COWDY HOUSE, an imprint of Upstart Press in Kingston, Ontario, works for local authors first, enriching the local arts community. Our books are distributed through local bookstores and writers festivals and can be found in libraries and on bookshelves across Canada. Cowdy House's lead titles for 2015-16 include three standouts: Alena Schram's Ephronesque essay collection, The Opinionated Old Cow; John Boxtel's STUDIO, a full-colour reprise of 60 years (and counting) of the sculptor's work; and Maureen Garvie's literary mystery Withdrawn from Circulation.

Cowdy House's editor and production manager, Christina Decarie, teaches communications at St. Lawrence College in Kingston. Her fiction and writing have appeared in Business Communication Quarterly, Quill & Quire, Profile Kingston, Pottersfield Portfolio, Antigonish Review, All Rights Reserved, and other publications, plus the anthologies Writing on the Edge and Lake Effect.

Darryl Joel Berger designs Cowdy House books. See samples of his work here.



Withdrawn from Circulation is a compelling mystery, but it is also a wonderful novel in its own right. The murder might tie all the threads together at the end, but it is a delight to just follow the intrigues with Greer’s mind. 

It’s the third book to be published by the small Kingston press Cowdy House, run by Christina Decarie and Darryl Berger. It’s being released as both a paper book and an ebook.
The library pun in the title will bring to mind a string of possible future sequels. Is it too much to suggest that this debut mystery from Maureen Garvie is long overdue?



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